
July 1, 2010


Afterschool Alliance consists of non-profits, schools, and private programs that insure that people are aware of the need for afterschool programs. They also provide great information on how to locate programs, fund programs and even how to start your own program. This site is relevant to me because I’ve acquired a great bulk of information about my afterschool program as well as other great resources that are beneficial for my students.

Ning Blog
The social networking site Ning allows users to create profiles, email accounts, blogs, and updates and allows members to join your page and interact with your organization or group. I currently incorporate Ning into one of my programs and found the Ning Blog to be very beneficial because it provides updates and tech changes that Ning have put in place. The blog will allow me to stay updated on the changes I need to make to better assist my students social networking.

ThinkingMachine is a great wiki resource that provides different information about teaching and technology. The links each lead to a different wiki page that provides more detailed information about various topics. I especially like the Think Social Networking for Education page because it provides information about social networks used in learning. I am looking forward to incorporating social networks into my curriculum as well as exploring the topic more for my Action Research.

Beyond the Box is the name of the Blog through @ITVS, which stands for the Independent Television Service. I frequently show my students documentaries that this site offers. I like most that I’ve found videos and interviews on some of the directors of those films through their blog. I can now have a greater insight about the films before I show them for viewing.  The site also provides resources for independent filmmakers such as funding initiatives and ideas.

Edutopia serves as a resource that covers multiple aspects of education. Educators share strategies and techniques that work best for them.  This site is relevant to me because I’ve found great articles that talk about social networking integration into classroom teaching. I think I can learn a great deal from Edutopia articles, blogs, and videos. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiylise

    I love that you use Beyond the Box!!! Documentaries are a great teaching resource. Kids often see a lot of FICTION but not a lot of NON FICTION. It brings the world to them and allows them to be more tolerant of views and other people in the world. Plus, it is visually candid - no CGI, special effects make up or illusions. I am a documentary fan- I love HBO documentaries. I am looking forward to seeing The Lottery about the charter school in New York.
